AB Gümrük Tarife Korelasyon Cetveli (2021 - 2022)
26 November 2021

AB Gümrük Tarife Korelasyon Cetveli (2021 - 2022)

Avrupa Birliği nin 2022 yılı gümrük tarifesini ve üçüncü ülkelerden yapılacak ithalatlarda 01.Ocak.2022 tarihinden itibaren uygulanacak gümrük vergisi oranlarını içeren 2658/87 sayılı Konsey Kararına ilişkin düzenleme (COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2021/1832) 29.10.2021 tarihli L 385 sayılı Avrupa Birliği Resmi Gazetesi'nde yayımlanmıştır.

Bu Kararda yer alan tarife değişikliklerinin karşılaştırıldığı 2021-2022 yılı AB Gümrük Tarife KORELASYON CETVELİ detayda yer alan tabloda gösterilmiştir. 

Ex: means that the content of the code for the year 2022 comes partly  from the code of the previous year which can be found opposite.

This table is indicative and has no legal value.
This table does not reflect the extensive regroupings of products into the new (sub)headings explained below: 8524, 8529 90, 8541 51&59 and 8549.

New Note 7 to Chapter 85 and new heading 85.24 for flat panel display modules entail the possible transfer of certain products currently covered by other headings of the Nomenclature (such as 84.13, 84.14, 84.15, 84.17, 84.18, 84.19, 84.21, 84.22, 84.23, 84.24, 84.31, 84.36, 84.38, 84.41, 84.43, 84.48, 84.50, 84.51, 84.52, 84.66, 84.73, 84.75, 84.76, 84.77, 84.78, 84.79, 84.86, 85.03, 85.04, 85.08, 85.09, 85.10, 85.12, 85.14, 85.16, 85.17, 85.18, 85.22, 85.29, 85.30, 85.31, 85.38, 85.43, 85.48, 86.07, 87.08, 87.14, 87.16, 88.03, 88.05, 90.05, 90.06, 90.07, 90.08, 90.10, 90.11, 90.12, 90.13, 90.14, 90.15, 90.17, 90.18, 90.19, 90.20, 90.21, 90.22, 90.23, 90.24, 90.25, 90.26, 90.27, 90.28, 90.29, 90.30, 90.31, 90.32, 90.33, 95.03, 95.04, 95.05 and 95.06) to heading 85.24.

The second sentence of Note 2 (b) to Section XVI has been amended for flat panel display modules and, as a result entails the possible transfer of certain products currently covered by other headings of the Nomenclature (such as 84.13, 84.14, 84.15, 84.17, 84.18, 84.19, 84.21, 84.22, 84.23, 84.24, 84.31, 84.36, 84.38, 84.41, 84.43, 84.48, 84.50, 84.51, 84.52, 84.66, 84.73, 84.75, 84.76, 84.77, 84.78, 84.79, 84.86, 85.03, 85.04, 85.08, 85.09, 85.10, 85.12, 85.14, 85.16, 85.17, 85.18, 85.22, 85.29, 85.30, 85.31, 85.38, 85.43, 85.48, 86.07, 87.08, 87.14, 87.16, 88.03, 88.05, 90.05, 90.06, 90.07, 90.08, 90.10, 90.11, 90.12, 90.13, 90.14, 90.15, 90.17, 90.18, 90.19, 90.20, 90.21, 90.22, 90.23, 90.24, 90.25, 90.26, 90.27, 90.28, 90.29, 90.30, 90.31, 90.32, 90.33, 95.03, 95.04, 95.05 and 95.06) to subheading 8529.90.

The expansion of the scope of heading 85.41 to provide for semiconductor-based transducers entails the possible transfer of certain products currently covered by other headings of the Nomenclature (in particular, but not limited to, headings 84.22, 84.31, 84.43, 84.50, 84.66, 84.73, 84.76, 85.04, 85.17, 85.18, 85.22, 85.29, 85.30, 85.31, 85.35, 85.36, 85.37, 85.38, 85.43, 85.48, 90.25, 90.26, 90.30, 90.31, 90.32, 90.33, 93.05, 93.06 and 95.04) to subheadings 8541.51 and 8541.59.

The creation of new heading 85.49 entails the possible transfer of certain products currently covered by other headings of the Nomenclature (in particular, but not limited to, headings 38.25, 70.01, 71.12, headings of Chapter 84, 85, 90, 91 and 95) to the new subheadings 8549.21 to 8549.99.


Kaynak: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/relations/index.cfm?TargetUrl=LST_REL&StrLanguageCode=EN&IntCurrentPage=5